Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Doing this blog has been the hardest part of my Gap Year but I have had some help from techno friends and to them I say an enormous 'Thank You, Danke." The first week I dealt with all my blog instructions in German, that had some hilarious moments, but now it seems easy because its all so clear in a language I claim to understand. I have therefore decided that I will try and make something for everyone that has contributed, signed up or commented on my blog. I have found it difficult to leave the sewing room because I have so many ideas that I want to try out, so I can make all the things I want to and then I can sent the finished product off to a friend. Great plan, I get to play all day and then mail the finished article out of the house so I have room to make more. lets hope my friends look on this as a good idea! The photo at the top contains two items that have been mailed out this week. I made a memory game for all my favourite people at Work & Life, Zug, my favourite people are usually 5 year olds, and then if she looks carefully my friend of 20+ years will see I have made her a pencil case. I hope they all get some use out of their gifts but the important thing is that I have room to make more, more more.

This week I found some wonderful fabric that was calling out to be made into a memory game, I especially love the cow. For the back of the squares I picked an Autumn fabric to go with the season.

Look at the cow, he looks so curious.

I also made a container from the cream farmyard fabric to store the game in. I had to make 2 games because it's a bilingual kindergarten so one for the German class, one for the English class.

Cutting out was so much easier because I bought some more new toys; a rotary cutter and a protective board for my table, it works just like a pizza cutter and I have a lot of experience with one of them.

All ready to play.

The most difficult part of my week was putting the zipper in the pencil case, but it went pretty well considering I have only tried it a couple of times. Once again I used my favourite fabric.

Now then......next weeks mission: what to do with an old pair of jeans. Stay tuned and watch this space.


  1. Very creative. How does the game work - please tell.

    1. Ginny...just like the card game one but made with fabrics.
      Great game for bi lingual learning because you don't need any vocabulary to play.

  2. Loving the blog and all the things you are making - now I have the shop, I spend all my time knitting or crocheting and never have time to sew. See you soon, Pauline.

  3. Pauline, did you get my message on your knitting blog? looking forward to seeing patterns in English.
