Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Bags, bags and more bags.

I have been so busy trying to learn all my new skills that I nearly forgot to keep up with my old ones so this week I gave myself a break and made my favourite things: bags!

First bag I ever made.
This bag scared me because it has 2 zippers, the instructor in my class was amazingly helpful and I conquered it with ease. I am attending a sewing class here in Frankfurt taught in German, the plan being that I improve my German along with my sewing.  www.stoffwerktaunus.de
The ladies are all so friendly that language hasn't really been an issue yet although some words are very tricky; a zip is Reissverschluss! 

This was the second bag and my favourite pattern, I love the way the straps work out. so simple to do but so effective.

First cut out two straps in length desired, one 3.5 cm wide and the other 5.5 cm wide. Sew down both edges with co ordinating thread.

Take the safety pin through the middle to turn the strip in the right way.

Press the strip with a hot iron and then sew seams down both sides.

Finished product.This bag is going out as a Christmas gift, lets hope she doesn't see it! I have started early on my Christmas presents because I want to make homemade ones. If anyone has any ideas for Teenagers ....let me know!

Here is my favourite fabric made up into a cute little bag that is useful for hair brushes, spray etc. I have sent it off to a very sweet lady who will be very surprised to receive a birthday present from me but she deserves so much more. I liked the way the straps buttoned onto the bag. I am working on something else with the same fabric and have decided just to buy a boatload more. It really is a cheerful print.

So......the dog is still waiting for her quilt but she will be happy to know that my sewing class is covering quilting on 11th and 30th September so her quilt will not join my basket of U F O s. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the first bag with the two zips... awesome design!
