Thursday, 18 July 2013

Homemade Gifts

Halloooo, well here I am another year older and supposedly wiser! My friends are all a little bit wiser, poor things, they learned very recently that I had decided any gifts for my birthday had to be homemade!! I have determinedly made homemade gifts all year and decided I would test my friendships! Well, I have wonderful friends, they came through with shining colours. First they made me scared, told me they were taking me out for the day and was I scared of heights or water. I love water but am Terrified of heights. Secondly, they made me a great picnic and after Tricia sprinted to grab our picnic table we sat by the Rhine in the glorious sunshine where they presented me with their homemade gifts. I was so excited to see they really all had made gifts and spent a lot of time and thought doing it.
perfect picnic spot

perfect picnic

my homemade gifts.

Liz had sat up one night and knitted me a knitting needle holder, that was very brave of her because we have all teased her about her knitting every time she brings her triangular scarf out. She lined it, appropriately enough, with a tartan tea towel and I have loaded it with my oversize needles already. She has obviously conquered her knitting problem, adding a stitch every line, because this looks perfect.
Grainne shocked us all, sorry Grainne but you did! She can actually sew and create, I think she may have a new hobby, if she ever gets off her bike. She made me a cell phone holder and it really does help me find my phone in my bag. Hasn't everyone lost their black phone in the depths of their black bag. 
Last but not least, Tricia had us all reminiscing and brought tears to my eyes with a collage of photos from all our times together. 
Look at my creative friends.....maybe this hobby is a bit catching.
After our picnic I was taken up a Gondola and really enjoyed it. I am used to the Swiss ones where we go a mile in the air over ravines and slopes. This one was a gentle, not too high, little double seated gondola gliding over some vineries. We ended the day with a german version of and Irish coffee and I was driven home a happy 52 year old.

I made darling daughter step up to the creative plate too, which really wasn't fair because she makes my hair look good all the time, anyway she aced it too. I was a little worried when she asked to use my sewing room behind a closed door, you all know my sewing machine is my favourite child and I really didn't want my first born to touch it. She promised she would only use my glue gun. 

didn't she do good!

The knitting classes have been a bit more successful for some than others! I think this photo speaks volumes: Chelsea got distracted by the boy in the room and Pippa stuck to her task. Needless to say Pippa has conquered garter stitch, moss stitch and pearl. She has even been known to take her knitting on holiday, theres no looking back now, and while she was away she made a heart! Chelsea is a Work In Progress!

Pippa made a heart
Chelsea got distracted by the boy in the room!

It has been pointed out to me that my Gap year has become a Gap Two years, well I did say I would learn to blog, finish my mystery blanket, make a patchwork quilt and walk the dog. I have still to finish the Mystery blanket and the dog is not going to walk itself. I will keep you all updated, it looks like this Gap year has been extended.

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