Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Knitting again.


I did take on a big challenge last month, I had read somewhere, (Pinterest has a lot to answer for) that to boost your potential you should say "YES"more often. Well, that same day I made a pact with myself to say, "YES" for a week, a friend wanted to meet me and ask me something! She asked if I would make a First Holy Communion dress for her 8 year old niece! What could I do? Well, the first word out of my mouth was no, I really didn't feel my skills were up to it. then, of course, I realised that I had to say yes and just give it a go. I spent some time with the family, we picked out fabric, a pattern, ribbons, threads and off I went to try my best. It really was the scariest thing I have ever done in my sewing life, the responsibility of this little girl wearing it for such a special event, the cost of the fabric and not letting my friend down. Slowly but surely, the dress came together and here is a photo of Ella wearing it, she looked beautiful. I feel much more confident about taking on sewing tasks now, just take things step by step and never rush.

I must confess that since the weather has refused to warm up I have got all my knitting projects out again. I have ordered some wool from my favourite wool shop,, I just email the pattern and ask for suggested wools, they suggest and order for me and am expecting it next week so meanwhile I took out some baby wool to try out some new patterns.
I have found a pattern that I do love the look of but I have been struggling with it. Its very easy and stunning to look at, here's the pattern.

Cast on 106 stitches work 2 rows in garter stitch
1st Row     K1, *K2tog, K4, m1, K1, m1, K4, K2tog tbs, rep from * to last st, K1.
2nd Row    Knit
continue in pattern.

Here's the finished effect. The bottom of the knitting turns itself into a pixie hat look.
I am making a baby hat with this but thought I might try a baby blanket too. 

I looked back through my blog and found the date I started my cable knit jumper, October 2012! It has taken me a while, mainly because I had to keep pulling bits out, I was determined to get it right. I do love the finished product and I'm glad I used the expensive wool, it feels so snuggly. I may even be tempted to knit another one.

Next blog, I will show you my goodies from the Stoffmarkt. If anyone has any smocking ideas let me have them, I feel a smocking craze coming on!


  1. Lovely! Both of them! I wish I could knit, but I still get quite a lot done with crochet. Maybe I'll learn to knit soon.

    1. I find crochet confusing, both my stitches fall off the hook when I am meant to be hooking one over. Knitting is relaxing for me.

  2. Hi Mandy - thanks for the mention- sent you an email but got your address from Margaret so parcel can go today. Shame you are not here next week when we have a crochet class on in the shop. The jumper is fabulous though. Happy Knitting
