Wednesday, 22 August 2012

sewing, sewing, sewing
Loving this gap year.

The shirt quilt is coming along nicely and I have learned so much from it, very glad that I used scrap material instead of buying fabrics. the star performer of the week has been my number 1 toy:

it does all sorts of wonderful things but I am taking things slow, why rush in when I have a whole gap year to get to know it. 
First I picked the pattern and then assembled the strips of fabric, I have to get better at cutting out the shapes, I will have to look for a new toy to help with that, some of my squares are a tiny bit bigger or smaller than they should be.

I think its coming along quite quickly, sadly, it has been so hot here in Frankfurt that its not so much fun having a lot of fabric draped on my knees but its addictive so I haven't noticed so much.

All finished!

The next task will be layering the three layers: patchwork, lining and backing and then the exciting task of quilting! That really will be a new one on me. I know you can quilt by hand or with a machine, you can follow a pattern or do freehand and if you have a very special quilt you can send it away to a shop with a long arm machine. This quilt is not getting sent away anywhere! I have deliberately left some special details on such as cuffs, buttonholes and buttons, then I realised that the dog may not thank me for buttons in her blanky so I am cutting them off as I see them.


Another task on my Gap Year was to complete my Debbie Abrahams Mystery Blanket. I am thoroughly enjoying it! Once a month I receive my package of wool and patterns to knit up my monthly  selection of patches and now we know the Mystery subject: A Celebration of Sport. Debbie obviously chose this to go with the Olympic Fever that swept us all up recently.

Loving all the colours. This is especially fun for me because I love flags so much, just ask anyone who plays Draw Something with me.

Hope you are all managing to stay cool in this heatwave. Till next week......

1 comment:

  1. This mystery blanket thing is fascinating - but erk... I'd need more than a year to be able to knit like that.
