Monday, 7 April 2014

Recycle Men's Old Shirt

One of our many complaints in this modern era is that things are not the quality they used to be and things wear out much quicker because of that. We have to learn to recycle and up cycle all these articles and I have had fun doing so. I have made a quilt with some old shirts but wanted to do more, here is my first baby dress and knickers made from an old button down shirt.

It was amazingly easy, made some bias binding with my bias binding maker, no need to make buttonholes I just used the ones there, sew a couple of seams and Voila, a cute little dress! The knickers were so easy but they did use up a lot of the shirt, I guess the bigger the shirt the better. I will definitely give this a go again and now want to try and make something for little boy babies.
I am taking this to Frankfurt Knitting and Sewing group meeting on Thursday and hope to have some gorgeous babies model it for me. I want to see if its comfortable first of all and then find out if its practical.

An update on my UFO list
I have finished the vest I was knitting with King Cole Opium and am thrilled at the finished results. It knits up like lace, I may never do lace again! I have enough left to do a cardigan too.

My table runner is nearly finished but I am holding back so that I will have something to sew at my first AWCT Quilters meeting this Wednesday. I wanted to take something easy to sew while I met lots of new people and tried to remember names. The little leopard print embroidered change purse is in use and the other bits of knitting have been put away till cooler weather returns. I have knitted a blanket this week with Pom Pom Party, its a fun wool that knits up very quick and it feels like it might be useful for baby to lie on in the stroller/pushchair, very soft and pom pommmy!

Another item on my UFO list was a gift I was making for a very dear friend, Bette Paulin. It is an embroidery that reminded me of Bette's house and it was such a calm, friendly scene I think she would have liked it. Sadly, Bette passed away before I finished it so I hung it on my wall to remind me of her until I decided what to do with it. I am now going to send it to Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre in the Highlands of Scotland along with a donation in memory of a wonderful friend and fun companion. She was such a pistol!

Spring heralds the return of the Fabric/Stoffe Markets in Germany and I visited one last weekend to pick up the usual metres of fabric to make easy Summer dresses.

The fabric cost anything from 6-10 Euros and involves very little sewing. I cut around a favourite dress a few years ago and just keep making them for stay at home days, sewing days, clean out the chicken days... 

Talking of Chickens, they have grown so fast, sadly one of them has turned out to be a "dude", (to quote Severina!) so he has to go to a farm because we are not allowed Roosters in the neighbourhood.

Hope you are all enjoying The Great British Sewing Bee, till next time....

Keep your scissors sharp and your words soft.