Thursday, 28 November 2013

Christmas Present

Looking back on my blog I realised that I had the same problem last year as I am having this year....what can I blog that will not spoil someones surprise? Yesterday, this problem was solved!
I have been searching for an old Singer sewing table with the original iron work frame for such a long time that it's now second nature for me to scan all the notice boards in grocery stores, just in case. Well, yesterday I shopped in a relatively new store for me, "Globus", and lo and behold, a Christmas miracle! There was one for sale for a great price. I called the number and with my hilariously limited German, explained that I would be right there, and would like to buy the table.After finding the address I was met by a wonderfully friendly couple, who showed me a wicker set of chairs with a wicker table. I must have looked as sad as I felt until I spotted the sewing table tucked away in the corner. I had to convince them that I wanted the old, sewing table instead of the gorgeous new wicker set.
All I could understand from the couple was that it had been the Grandma's sewing table for many years, as I knocked against it it seemed very heavy, could there possibly still be the original machine inside....YES! Most sewing machines are taken out, disposed of, and then the table is made into something like a nightstand, or coffee table that would look good on Pinterest. The machine was still there and the drawers were full of little treasure tins with original bits in! 
I quickly paid the full price, loaded it in the car and now it sits, pride of place in the middle of my dining room. 

.....wait till you see what was tucked away inside.

I searched through the drawers and found various bits to interest me. I found the original instruction book dated November 1919 and a page torn from the Yellow Pages of Brussels, that would explain why the instructions are in French. 

The machine is still in good working order, no electricity needed, just foot power. I really want to make something with this baby I just have to decide what. 

As for my Christmas presents.....they are all still a secret!