Thursday, 8 August 2013

Baby Hoodies

This month has been so hot and glorious here in Germany that I haven't really sat in the sewing room much at all, I have become addicted to knitting hoodies for babies. I ordered King Cole Candystripe yarn from wool4less and after some confusion I ended up with King Cole Candystripe and King Cole Comfort. What's a girl to do? May as well knit it all up. I have knit with Comfort first and am looking forward to trying the Candystripe.

I found the pattern in a magazine and have made several adjustments to the original, they had me casting off the stitches on the back and then picking some up for the hood!  I have promised my knitting buddies on Knitting Paradise that I will put the pattern on my blog as soon as I get it right. I have just emailed the pattern writer, Angela Turner, and she has the rights of the pattern returned to her in September and she will put it on her sight, I will be informed and then can inform everyone.

Next week is the Sewing Staycation week at The Creative Sanctuary so you will either hear a lot from me or nothing at all. I may be too busy to blog! We are making clothes which will be so great for me, I need all the help I can get with measuring and fitting.

Enjoy the Summer everyone!