Thursday, 28 November 2013

Christmas Present

Looking back on my blog I realised that I had the same problem last year as I am having this year....what can I blog that will not spoil someones surprise? Yesterday, this problem was solved!
I have been searching for an old Singer sewing table with the original iron work frame for such a long time that it's now second nature for me to scan all the notice boards in grocery stores, just in case. Well, yesterday I shopped in a relatively new store for me, "Globus", and lo and behold, a Christmas miracle! There was one for sale for a great price. I called the number and with my hilariously limited German, explained that I would be right there, and would like to buy the table.After finding the address I was met by a wonderfully friendly couple, who showed me a wicker set of chairs with a wicker table. I must have looked as sad as I felt until I spotted the sewing table tucked away in the corner. I had to convince them that I wanted the old, sewing table instead of the gorgeous new wicker set.
All I could understand from the couple was that it had been the Grandma's sewing table for many years, as I knocked against it it seemed very heavy, could there possibly still be the original machine inside....YES! Most sewing machines are taken out, disposed of, and then the table is made into something like a nightstand, or coffee table that would look good on Pinterest. The machine was still there and the drawers were full of little treasure tins with original bits in! 
I quickly paid the full price, loaded it in the car and now it sits, pride of place in the middle of my dining room. 

.....wait till you see what was tucked away inside.

I searched through the drawers and found various bits to interest me. I found the original instruction book dated November 1919 and a page torn from the Yellow Pages of Brussels, that would explain why the instructions are in French. 

The machine is still in good working order, no electricity needed, just foot power. I really want to make something with this baby I just have to decide what. 

As for my Christmas presents.....they are all still a secret!

Monday, 21 October 2013

The Great British Sewing Bee Re-enactment!

The Great British Sewing Bee Re-enactment

Summer has come and gone in a mighty blur of creativity, I accomplished so much that it will be tricky getting it all on one blog. The highlight was spending a week in The Creative Sanctuary re-enacting the Great British Sewing Bee without the fear of elimination. We worked from the book that accompanies the series and with the ever cheerful, Jane Conway, as our teacher and cheer leader we measured, cut out, altered patterns, inserted zippers, ate cake, drank tea and generally had a wonderful time. Imagine having all the time you want in a fabric store, all day to sit and admire fabrics and notions then pick the right one for a dress, tunic or skirt. The photo below tells the story; four very happy ladies wearing their creations, but look behind us, we wandered amongst fabrics all day! 

Modeling our dresses

We all learned to add piping and pleats without stress and with the aid of tea and cake. Sadly, Angela has had a flood at the store but she will be back to normal very soon and after the success of the course I am sure she will do more.

Another highlight of the Summer was visiting knitting stores in Kansas and Houston. The most popular knitting in America over the Summer was lace knitting. Luckily I spent the day with some experts in Kansas and they taught me all about "lifelines". This is a wonderful way of threading a line of yarn through your work so that if you make a mistake, I made plenty, then you can pull your work out to the lifeline and start again. My daughter has asked for a shawl for Christmas but she hasn't said which Christmas, or rather I haven't said which Christmas. When and if I get any lace work accomplished you will all be the first to see it. In Texas the craze was knitting skirts, I met one lady who has knit 16! 

Here's the BIG news........drum roll please......I finished the Debbie Abrahams Mystery Blanket! 

I drove it down to Switzerland last week and donated it to a Cancer Clinic to help keep the chemotherapy patients warm and snug while having their treatments. Soooo, thats it! I have learned to blog, finished my blanket and now all I have left to accomplish is the Patchwork Quilt. That has been a W I P (work in progress) for a while now in the corner of my sewing room. I have found lots of other things to distract myself with; during my travels this Summer I visited a Tea Room and found it was next door to a wool shop, it would have been rude not to pop in! I managed to get so distracted by the wool that I put my rental car keys down under a magazine, bought my wool and then went for a sumptuous tea next door. During tea the owner of the wool shop came in to say goodbye and off she went. Mom and I had our tea and then spent 15 minutes looking for the car keys. When we realised what we had done the story only became more hilarious: there was no phone signal up in the hills and the owner of the tea room tried calling for a taxi but wherever the taxi driver was had no signal either. My rental car had to be back in the morning and I had to be on my return flight to Germany. As all this chaos reigned a voice of calm came from the Tea Room, "Let me drive you down the hill to the Wool Shop owners house and you can get signal there to call your dad and he can drive you back up with the car keys." Mission accomplished and all was well. I felt I had to make the ladies a little something to say Thank You, so I made them some bunting with tea pots on. Then I discovered Debbie Abrahams made a mystery cushion too so I have started that. Oh and I have some lace knitting to get done. Looks like I am going to be blogging for a bit longer!


Thursday, 8 August 2013

Baby Hoodies

This month has been so hot and glorious here in Germany that I haven't really sat in the sewing room much at all, I have become addicted to knitting hoodies for babies. I ordered King Cole Candystripe yarn from wool4less and after some confusion I ended up with King Cole Candystripe and King Cole Comfort. What's a girl to do? May as well knit it all up. I have knit with Comfort first and am looking forward to trying the Candystripe.

I found the pattern in a magazine and have made several adjustments to the original, they had me casting off the stitches on the back and then picking some up for the hood!  I have promised my knitting buddies on Knitting Paradise that I will put the pattern on my blog as soon as I get it right. I have just emailed the pattern writer, Angela Turner, and she has the rights of the pattern returned to her in September and she will put it on her sight, I will be informed and then can inform everyone.

Next week is the Sewing Staycation week at The Creative Sanctuary so you will either hear a lot from me or nothing at all. I may be too busy to blog! We are making clothes which will be so great for me, I need all the help I can get with measuring and fitting.

Enjoy the Summer everyone!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Homemade Gifts

Halloooo, well here I am another year older and supposedly wiser! My friends are all a little bit wiser, poor things, they learned very recently that I had decided any gifts for my birthday had to be homemade!! I have determinedly made homemade gifts all year and decided I would test my friendships! Well, I have wonderful friends, they came through with shining colours. First they made me scared, told me they were taking me out for the day and was I scared of heights or water. I love water but am Terrified of heights. Secondly, they made me a great picnic and after Tricia sprinted to grab our picnic table we sat by the Rhine in the glorious sunshine where they presented me with their homemade gifts. I was so excited to see they really all had made gifts and spent a lot of time and thought doing it.
perfect picnic spot

perfect picnic

my homemade gifts.

Liz had sat up one night and knitted me a knitting needle holder, that was very brave of her because we have all teased her about her knitting every time she brings her triangular scarf out. She lined it, appropriately enough, with a tartan tea towel and I have loaded it with my oversize needles already. She has obviously conquered her knitting problem, adding a stitch every line, because this looks perfect.
Grainne shocked us all, sorry Grainne but you did! She can actually sew and create, I think she may have a new hobby, if she ever gets off her bike. She made me a cell phone holder and it really does help me find my phone in my bag. Hasn't everyone lost their black phone in the depths of their black bag. 
Last but not least, Tricia had us all reminiscing and brought tears to my eyes with a collage of photos from all our times together. 
Look at my creative friends.....maybe this hobby is a bit catching.
After our picnic I was taken up a Gondola and really enjoyed it. I am used to the Swiss ones where we go a mile in the air over ravines and slopes. This one was a gentle, not too high, little double seated gondola gliding over some vineries. We ended the day with a german version of and Irish coffee and I was driven home a happy 52 year old.

I made darling daughter step up to the creative plate too, which really wasn't fair because she makes my hair look good all the time, anyway she aced it too. I was a little worried when she asked to use my sewing room behind a closed door, you all know my sewing machine is my favourite child and I really didn't want my first born to touch it. She promised she would only use my glue gun. 

didn't she do good!

The knitting classes have been a bit more successful for some than others! I think this photo speaks volumes: Chelsea got distracted by the boy in the room and Pippa stuck to her task. Needless to say Pippa has conquered garter stitch, moss stitch and pearl. She has even been known to take her knitting on holiday, theres no looking back now, and while she was away she made a heart! Chelsea is a Work In Progress!

Pippa made a heart
Chelsea got distracted by the boy in the room!

It has been pointed out to me that my Gap year has become a Gap Two years, well I did say I would learn to blog, finish my mystery blanket, make a patchwork quilt and walk the dog. I have still to finish the Mystery blanket and the dog is not going to walk itself. I will keep you all updated, it looks like this Gap year has been extended.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Knitting Class

There is a lot of talk about Knitting being fashionable but being tucked away in my own corner of the World I haven't really noticed until this week when I was asked by three "youngsters"to teach them to knit. It was my pleasure! The first one was my Darling Daughter and she surprised herself and remembered how to do it, I had taught her many years ago when she used to sit and watch me. The second was a friend of hers who picked it up very quickly, after she has practised for a week we will have to get together and teach her the next stitch. The third one was one of my favourite 9 year old girls, we struggled a little this week only to discover at the end of the week that she is left handed. I had never even thought to ask the questions. A quick phone call to my left handed, knitting mother today may help with that issue.

Pippa and Chelsea

Now as for my sewing....I have been a sewing demon recently; A seat cover for the back seat to help with muddy paw prints, some silk pillows for a friend, some charity blocks for quilts. The list is endless, I have had to start making lists of UFOs just to make sure that I get everything favourite thing this month has been a gift for a farmers wife in Hertford. When I visited with Darling Son in Thundridge, I stayed in a rented holiday home and met a lovely family who have Guinea Fowl running all over. 

Isn't he adorable!

Let's hope she likes him as much as I do, he may be hard to part with! I will be staying there again when I attend my sewing week at the Creative Sanctuary.

That's it for this blog because I want to do a special photo piece on my latest craze: Recycling Jeans.
Thanks to friends and family I have enough old pair of jeans to complete all my recycle ideas so watch this space.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

 Sewing Vacation

Yes, it's good news everyone, I have found a sewing holiday! I am so excited, and will share all the dates as soon as I know them. I popped over to Hertford for a few days to help Andrew settle in his first job, he is working in the Marriott Hotel and I am soooo proud of him, and while I was there between appointments with sleezy realtors and charming bank tellers I managed to spend some time in a sewing sanctuary. The Creative Sanctuary  I must admit to spending quite a bit of time there, (Andrew even joined me on a few occasions but I think that was to sample the delicious cakes)  I participated in a sewing class, met Erika Knight, the knitting designer and even tried out the crochet class. Lots to do and learn. The sewing teacher was a wonderfully patient lady who taught us how to make a skirt without a pattern, it was so incredibly easy and we all had such a great time, while we sewed we chatted and the owner of The Creative Sanctuary, Angela, told us that they are going to host a Staycation week, we all come and sew, knit, crochet all day every day for a week! As soon as she finalises the dates, I will pass them on to you all and we will see who can join us.

Angela enjoying the class

Jane helping out

The crochet teacher may even manage to do what many before her have failed to do: she may manage to teach me to crochet! We will see.
During the class Jane introduced us to Invisible zips. Wow! What a great way to put in a zip. I will need to buy a special foot but it will be worth it, it was so easy to sew in, the foot hooks itself into the zipper and it cannot go off track. Here is my skirt zipper that I put in. There are great instructions on YouTube and call Angela at Creative Sanctuary if you need to order the foot she will recommend the right one for your machine.

Invisible zip

My favourite purchase while I was away was some wonderful fabric that just screamed CHELSEA at me. My darling daughter is so eclectic and creative that its very hard to make her things but she loves polka dots and apple products so I think this fabric was perfect. I made her a little zipped up bag, hope she gets some use out of it.

Apples and Dots

Before my Travels I spent Saturday morning at Stoffmarkt Holland  buying fabrics for curtains, clothes and some smocking that I want to try. I remember smocking many years ago and want to get back into it, I really have no excuse though because all my nieces keep having boys and I really don't think they would appreciate smocked dresses! (Note to self...find something gorgeous to make for baby boys)

I made the curtains and while I was at it I covered the dogs' bed so that it all goes together nicely. She seems to like the idea and spends even more of her day on it, that may have something to do with the horrid weather we are having though, Vizslas really don't like rain.


I am still knitting up a storm and it looks like I will be for a while, I don't like knitting in hot weather but it doesn't look like we are in any danger of getting any. I have made some easy baby hats and now just need to find some babies that need hats, anyone know any? I also bought lots of knitting magazines in UK so I can raid them for ideas and patterns, there are a lot of great knitting magazines over here in German but I get frustrated when I can't follow the pattern. 


Well, till next time.....keep your scissors and needles sharp, but not your tongue!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Knitting again.


I did take on a big challenge last month, I had read somewhere, (Pinterest has a lot to answer for) that to boost your potential you should say "YES"more often. Well, that same day I made a pact with myself to say, "YES" for a week, a friend wanted to meet me and ask me something! She asked if I would make a First Holy Communion dress for her 8 year old niece! What could I do? Well, the first word out of my mouth was no, I really didn't feel my skills were up to it. then, of course, I realised that I had to say yes and just give it a go. I spent some time with the family, we picked out fabric, a pattern, ribbons, threads and off I went to try my best. It really was the scariest thing I have ever done in my sewing life, the responsibility of this little girl wearing it for such a special event, the cost of the fabric and not letting my friend down. Slowly but surely, the dress came together and here is a photo of Ella wearing it, she looked beautiful. I feel much more confident about taking on sewing tasks now, just take things step by step and never rush.

I must confess that since the weather has refused to warm up I have got all my knitting projects out again. I have ordered some wool from my favourite wool shop,, I just email the pattern and ask for suggested wools, they suggest and order for me and am expecting it next week so meanwhile I took out some baby wool to try out some new patterns.
I have found a pattern that I do love the look of but I have been struggling with it. Its very easy and stunning to look at, here's the pattern.

Cast on 106 stitches work 2 rows in garter stitch
1st Row     K1, *K2tog, K4, m1, K1, m1, K4, K2tog tbs, rep from * to last st, K1.
2nd Row    Knit
continue in pattern.

Here's the finished effect. The bottom of the knitting turns itself into a pixie hat look.
I am making a baby hat with this but thought I might try a baby blanket too. 

I looked back through my blog and found the date I started my cable knit jumper, October 2012! It has taken me a while, mainly because I had to keep pulling bits out, I was determined to get it right. I do love the finished product and I'm glad I used the expensive wool, it feels so snuggly. I may even be tempted to knit another one.

Next blog, I will show you my goodies from the Stoffmarkt. If anyone has any smocking ideas let me have them, I feel a smocking craze coming on!

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Great British Sewing Bee.

I have just finished watching the Great British Sewing Bee and I think everyone should watch it, it was so uplifting, encouraging and entertaining. I really don't want to say anymore because it is an elimination series so the less I say the better chance you have of it all being a surprise. Anyway, it has spurred me on again. 

In my last blog I showed you all my unfinished project and asked for guesses as to what it was, well some of you picked up on the feathery theme, well done. Here is my chicken pillow, I think she looks like a very proud chicken with her beak up in the air. The method for making the feathers was easy enough but time consuming, basically it just involves fraying some thin strips of fabric and sewing them on, great effect.

Once again, another baby! Must be something you are all doing! I wanted to practice my quilting skills so I found a pattern for a great, wide diaper bag in my sewing shop and with the help of my new quilting foot I accomplished my task. I quilted both the inside and the outside so I got to practise a lot. Here is a photo of my quilting foot, you line the sewn line up with the foot arm and that helps you keep a straight and true line. Great gadget. I made a little bib to go with the bag. Off that goes to Switzerland.

Last blog I did tell you that I would update you on my sewing shop news. I have joined a sewing group here in Fischbach, Germany and have loved meeting all the sewing ladies, eating all their fresh, baked goods and slowly improving my German skills. We have just learned that the shop is moving to Kelkheim, a larger town, and one of the partners is retiring. Sad news. That same day, the baking lady remembered where her fresh baked lemon cake was: sitting on her counter at home. She called her hubby and he dropped it off on the way to his field on his tractor. The hubby stopped his tractor in the middle of the road, delivered the lemon cake, politely greeted everyone in the room, returned to his tractor, waved his thanks to the people behind and drove away. In that momentary quiet I heard one of the ladies say, "We won't be able to do that in Kelkheim."

Onwards and Upwards.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Remember me?

Back to my blog, at long last. I had stopped briefly, or so I thought, before Christmas so that I wouldn't blog about everyones Christmas presents and then I woke up one morning and it was March. where does the time go? I was very busy in the sewing room over Christmas and stuck to my guns about making all my gifts this year. My favourite had to be the little santa triangle men, I made so many of them that my sewing shop kept an updated tally every time I went in to buy more fabric. 

A few of my favourite things.

Family presents are always tough, do you buy the whole family a boring household gift or just give the parents a bottle of wine, then again you could just buy a trumpet for the 3 year old and bless the whole family with music. I decided to make Christmas stockings and personalise them with the names of family members and pets. I love the embroidery function on my Bernina artista, so easy, even an adult with few computer skills could use it.

Stockings, hung with care.

Lastly, for this "Welcome Back"blog, I will post a photo of my latest project and see if anyone can guess what I am making. I will save my knitting, sewing shop news and infinity scarf pattern for my next blog. doubting Thomas crew, there will be a next blog!