Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Christmas is coming.....

I've realised how difficult it's going to be to blog as we enter the run up to Christmas, all my crafts are related to Christmas presents. Mmm, there is very little I can show everyone. I can admit to you all how addicted I have become to Pinterest, go have a look. I have seen so many great ideas on there for presents but then again I can't tell you about them either! I go straight to the DIY and Crafts Categories and spent ages just clicking away. Now I see how people become addicted to the internet, never understood before.

One thing I can show you all is this idea I had for a Christmas banner, I found some Christmas fabric with gorgeous stocking, cut out the stockings, sewed a backing on, embroidered names on with my sewing machine, sewed them all on a ribbon and Ta Da we have a family banner.

Found a great place for the Christmas banner.

One thing I can update you on is the knitting group, we have met a few times and thoroughly enjoyed it. The three beginners are doing very well, we have discovered there are many ways to accidentally add and take away stitches. One of the biggest issues has been splitting the stitch as you put the needle in and therefore making one stitch into two. One of our knitters has come back to knitting after 30+ years and she has discovered that its just like riding a bike, you never forget. I have nearly finished the brown sweater and I am very happy with the feel of it, fantastically soft wool.
I have every confidence that the person this is a gift for will never find the time to read this we are safe!

Lastly, the sewing room has had a Christmas update. I really am getting into these banners.

lets hope I have more to show you all soon.......