Friday, 2 November 2012


Maybe it's the change of weather that has brought on all this knitting. I am happy to announce that we have started a knitting group here in Frankfurt through ToyTown and we had our first meeting last night. The turnout was good, we had 4 accomplished knitters knitting a variety of things including a very complex Fair Isle pattern dress, a pair of socks and a dishcloth, then we had 3 brand new knitters who went away with homework after a very successful start. They all managed to get the hang of Garter stitch and next week we will learn how to Pearl. It has to be mentioned that a couple of them accidentally learned how to Pearl last night, although they don't know how they did it!

Look at that concentration!
All smiles!



Last weeks mission was playing with all the ties that Richard kindly donated, what a great way to learn how to sew with silk without the expense. I recommend changing your sewing machine needle after every project because the sharper the needle the less likely to snag. I had an arty farty moment and made a picture for a frame, not my usual thing but it was worth a try. I have hung it upstairs so no one will see it anyway!
Arty Farty!

This will be a silk pillow when finished

Sent this off to Richard to remind him of the times he had to wear them.

.........and now the time has come to put away our Halloween things and get serious about the next big thing, CHRISTMAS is coming everyone. Start the panic now! I made a Japanese gift bag in Christmas fabric to replace my Halloween one in the Sewing/Guest room, these can be used as ice bags, pop a rice bag in and warm in the microwave and use as a heat pad, Potpourri holders....all manners of things. I think I will make more as the big day approaches

So, off you go and start a project, get creative, go visit a wool shop anything that gets your creative juices flowing! I am signing up for another swop, my Halloween one was so much fun. I received my package with lots of goodies in, that we ate on the way home from the `Post Office, and a gorgeous handmade bag that was perfect for my gym things.

Enjoy your week everyone and thanks for your opinions on the fabrics, all will be revealed at a later date.